Small-dollar donors are the driving force of the 2020 election cycle, fueling the campaigns and causes that are changing the course of history!

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You Give

During the 2020 election cycle, small-dollar donors — like you! — have engaged with and invested in candidates and movements they care about in unprecedented numbers. Scroll through some of the stories we've collected from small-dollar donors and see what motivates them to give, in their own words. Then tell your friends and family why you are a small-dollar donor or share your story for ActBlue’s donor wall!

  • In retirement I am not able to make a large donation. However, a $10.00 monthly donation to candidates I support makes me feel that I am still making a contribution toward a better future.

  • I am a registered Democrat and third-generation Japanese American. I am a small-dollar donor in support of candidates and causes who I believe will help preserve and improve the rights and lives of people of color, women, children, LGBTQ+ people, refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, and people who are poor, homeless, or incarcerated, as well as protect the environment for future generations.

  • Our country is being bought by special interests who preach harmful ideology. My donation helps in leveling the playing field.

  • Why donate? It’s not like my five dollars will even make a difference? But what if 100 people donated five dollars? What if 1,000 people donated five dollars? What if 1 million people donated five dollars? You see, we are all in this together. If we all stick together, we will get this country back on track. It will be the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

  • I believe you should put your money where your mouth is. Even small amounts like $5 or $10 per month is less than weekly coffees! And it beats big corporate interests. I am thankful for democracy!

  • I am retired and don’t have great amounts of money to give. When I give $5 or $10 to candidates, I imagine thousands of other Democrats like me doing the same thing. That is how we defeat the big-money special interests that bankroll the GOP.

  • I believe in giving. No one can be successful without it. However, my budget doesn’t always line up with my desire. I was furloughed from my job as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but I was happy to set aside $10.00. I plan to give more during this election year (in small bites). Before being furloughed, student loans and recovering from periods of unemployment limited my budget, as well. I’m glad that the candidates recognize the importance of small-dollar donors. It gives all of us the ability to participate in, and support, democracy.

Donor Power

Democrats couldn’t have taken back the House in 2018 without small-dollar donors, and Democrats can’t win this November without small-dollar donors. So far this election cycle, small-dollar donors have raised over $2.5 billion for Democratic candidates, progressive causes, and nonprofits around the country with an average contribution size of just $33. Show off your small-dollar donor pride on social media by downloading some digital graphics (including customized state graphics) and add them to your profiles!

Show Your Small-Dollar Donor Pride

It's Going to Take
All of Us

Make sure your voice is heard this November. Together, we can help elect candidates up and down the ballot who are ready to build a better future for everyone in this country.


Just like every vote counts, I believe that every dollar counts. And I can support the seven national and local candidates I am backing each with a small monthly dollar contribution.

– Ernest, AZ

I believe in the power of numbers. It also shows the strength of any candidate running for a political office and makes them less beholden to big donors and PACs.

– Gbenga, MD

I am retired and on a fixed income. However, I do what I can to promote the causes and candidates I care about. If we all pull together, we can produce some amazing results. Every bit helps.

– Stephanie, TN

I want to support organizations that will keep those in power accountable and give a voice to the voiceless. I give my time, and what money I can afford, to aid those engaged in doing good.

– Anne, NH

ActBlue is proud
to be the home of
small-dollar donors

and the campaigns and causes they support. Thank you for being part of this movement! Celebrate the power of small-dollar donors by sharing this site with your friends and family!